Bethesda Faith Assembly Online

To All Who Enter...

Thank you for visiting Bethesda Faith Assembly Online. Bethesda Faith Assembly has been reaching out helping impovershed citizens in Jacksonville, Florida for nearly 16 years. Our beloved Pastor and First Lady have nearly a century of ministry between them and they're just getting started. They truly believe that all things are possible to him that believeth (Mark 9:23).

Pastor Ronnie Cohen and First Lady Anne Cohen

Site Features

Just like the physical building located at 600 E 4th Street, Bethesda Faith Assembly Online is a work in progress. We held true to the layout of the physical building to bring you its online equivalent. The physical building has multiple rooms that can be "adopted" by organizations that specialize in offering community services to impoverished citizens. Pastors who minister with no physical building in which to perform services, use the space at Bethesda to carry out their spiritual obligations. During severe weather and certain holidays, Bethesda Faith Assembly opens its doors to allow those with no place to go, a temporary shelter until outside conditions improve, or holiday celebrations end. Aspiring artists looking to hone their crafts whether it be acting, singing, music, or dance can count on the Bethesda 300 seat theater as a safe, reliable place to practice, audition, and congregate.

This website has a lot of interactive features. There is a section where you can interact with church leadership directly. Our well-trained staff provides a variety of spiritual and social services. We are available to speak, preach, and perform at your spiritual and inspirational events. There is a forum section, and a blogging section that allows christians to interact with each other, discussing very important issues to motivate us and enhance our spiritual lives. There is a children section with plenty of games and activities to keep them out of trouble while you study the Word of God. You can also find out what services and events take place here. We put portions of these events on video for your spirtual growth and viewing pleasure. Finally there is an area where you can hear our Pastor. When you hear this man, you will never be the same. Almost every word that comes out of his mouth is the Word of God.

We are a proud member of the following organization. Please click here for more information.